If you’ve been rear-ended on an Australian road, chances are, you’re not alone. In fact, according to the AAMI Crash Index, at least one third of collisions on Australian roads occur because of rear-enders, or “nose-to-tail collisions.” The Index also shows that rear-enders are the most common type of accident in Victoria. With the frequency of these types of crashes, you may be wondering what causes them, where they commonly occur and how to get back on the road afterwards.
Someone Hit My Car From The Back
If you’re the leading driver, it can be a completely shocking experience to have the car behind you slam into the back of your own car. Most commonly this happens when the tailing driver became impatient or distracted and was tailgating the car in front of them. Keep in mind that you should keep a 3 second following distance between your own car and the car in front of you to allow yourself time to stop safely if the leading driver slams on their brakes for any reason such as an obstruction in the road, an animal, or another vehicle. Safe driving also means that you should eliminate distractions and be completely focused on the road ahead of you when you drive.
Rear-enders often occur on freeways and in areas where there is heavy traffic. Because the speed limit on some freeways is up to 110km/h, having an accident at this speed could not only cause serious damage to the vehicles involved, but also serious injury to the people involved.

Who Is At Fault In A Rear-Ender?
Knowing who is at fault in a car accident is crucial as it affects liability. In many cases, especially in a rear-ender between 2 vehicles, it’s the tailing driver who hits the leading driver from behind who is considered to be at fault. There are, of course, exceptions to this such as if a leading driver rolls backwards. In these circumstances, the tailing driver would need proof to show that they are not at fault.
Would I Have An Unroadworthy Vehicle After A Rear-Ender?
An unroadworthy vehicle means that it is not safe enough or suitable for use on the road. There are specific types of damage that make your car unroadworthy. After a rear-ender, common damage that would make your vehicle unroadworthy may include:
- If any of your taillights are damaged or broken.
- If your vehicle boot has been damaged and cannot be opened or closed.
- If your suspension system has been damaged.
- Keep in mind that having bumper damage doesn’t necessarily make your car unroadworthy – it is only damage that makes your vehicle unsafe to be on the road.

We May Be Able To Assist You With An Accident Replacement Vehicle
If you are eligible and you believe your car is unroadworthy after a rear-ender, call Right2Drive and we may be able to arrange towing for you after an accident (depending on the specific laws in your state).
When an accident was caused through no fault of your own, you have the right to be placed back into the position you were in before your car accident. As a not at fault driver, you may be eligible to receive a like-for-like accident replacement vehicle for the entire duration of your repairs, at no cost to you.